Monday, December 24, 2007

Twas the night before Christmas...

...and all through the plant, not a supervisor around, not one could be, I have the lucky position of having to work the day before Christmas and the day after Christmas...but not just like any regular day...I get to come in to work at FIVE in the morning...and I will most likely be driving in from Evanston (much like I did today).
So, we had a little scare yesterday with Eric's father, Jim. He had a terrible migraine and was treated for everything BUT the migraine...I guess there are good and bad points to being a successful, well-known attorney. Ironic, the last procedure they did to rule anything out...they stated that the most common side effect was a pretty nasty headache that would last a few days... I think I am pretty mainstream and conservative...but sometimes, my tree-hugging, liberal, holistic, California side comes out and I just disagree with the way some things are handled...trying to rule out even the most obscure and improbable diagnosis all the while aggravating the original just seems wrong...but alas, I never went to medical school and I'm sure if they were to have caught something, I would be grateful. None the less, it sure makes any squabbles or expectations of a perfect holiday seem obsolete in light of much more important things: family, friends & loved ones.
Eric and Bryan (Eric's sister's husband...who HAS gone through medical school) gave Jim a blessing last night at the hospital. I have to say that it touched me, so unexpectedly...I have seen many blessing administered...but to see my husband and brother-in-law be worthy, righteous priesthood holders who needn't hesitate for a moment to question their worthiness consecrate oil and give a blessing to my father-in-law with my mother-in-law in the room...however cheesy it may sound, I was overcome with emotions...that's what it's all about, families, ETERNAL families...being a part of a living gospel and seeing the miraculous effects it has on the lives of those who will accept His message.
I thank Heavenly Father for blessing me, however brief a moment it might have been, to really feel & comprehend the meaning of Christmas!

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