Thursday, August 6, 2009

Oyster Ridge, Bear Lake and Adam's Birthday

Here we are at The Oyster Ridge Festival...working the Republican booth...
Eric took a picture of this guy...we had to zoom and crop the picture...we laughed and laughed! I gotta get me one of those vests!!!

If any of you are Nacho Libre fans (thanks Holly for letting us keep it for so long!) the entire time we ate this Mexican corn, we took turns saying, "I don't believe in God...I only believe in science!"

Here we are at Bear Lake for Adam's birthday (he's behind Eric holding Max). Look at the du-rag my husband is makes a woman proud!

Jules and Carli playing with Max. He was the only grandchild there that day, so he was spoiled with love and attention!
You gotta love this favorite part of this outfit are the water shoes (thanks Lindsey!).

I thought this moment was really sweet.

This was particularly funny because Carli went to all the trouble of blowing up this water frisbee and threw it to wind...Jim threw it right into the mud...and this was Carli's reaction...classic!!!

After the fun and sun...we enjoyed dog-o's and raspberry shakes!!

We got Adam a BYU shirt for his birthday to match Eric's. I thought they were doing some BYU touch down gesture....but, when I asked Eric, he said they were just messing around...those Phillips' boys can be a little odd!


stina said...

I've seen a lot of things in my life, but that vest is... awesome!

ericphil said...

Respect the furry vest!

Jill said...

Eric should wear the furry vest with his du-rag, or whatever it's called. Max is so cute!

Annie said...

Why does Eric have a BYU t-shirt? I remember forcing him to go to a game with me and he left early. Eric wasn't ever such a fan. Adam on the other hand...I wish I could have gone to Bear Lake. That would have been fun.