Thursday, March 5, 2009

Max's Blessing

Almost 8 Weeks after Maxwell Daniel Phillips was born, we blessed him at church. We were delighted to have so many of our family members and friends present for the blessing. Here is Eric holding Max in his blessing outfit right before church.

We had a little luncheon afterward for our family. I made a Where the Wild Things Are themed cake for Max's first birthday celebration (I know it's sort of his zero birthday celebration...but it still totally counts!)

Here are the traditional Chinese red eggs that are eaten in celebration of birth and good will for the new baby and family.

Julie, her sister Linda and Jenna. We were so happy that the Christiensens could make the long trek to Kemmerer!

Here is Carli and her boyfriend Chuck.

Becky (Eric's cousin) and her husband Brandon. After college she decided to fulfil her dream of going to beauty school...I'm always so impressed when people have dreams and hopes...I think I was always so used to being told what my goals should be...I don't really remember having too many of my own...does that make me sound totally pathetic (that's rhetorical)?

Here are Jason and Meradith...look what a cute family they make....wait a minute! That's MY BABY!!!This is their daughter, Lucy! She was fascinated with Max. We were joking that they might fall in love one day...but then we remembered they'd be second cousins...NOT COOL!!!

Here's Carli with Max...

She says that Max looks like Chien Po from Mulan...
I think he looks more like Russell Wong (he's also half Chinese and one of my first crushes ever!)
Here are the proud parents...Max did SO well...he laid silently awake throughout all of church and let everyone hold him without fussing...his mom, on the other hand was having a slight aneurysm!
Jim and cute are they?

Becky, me and Carli!

Here are Adam and Camille...looking swanky like two models!


Annie said...

I wish I could have been there! Looks like such a great time and that little Max is so cute. I must say the comparison to the mulan character brought a smile to my face.

Holly & Kasey said...

Sorry we missed it. My sister blessed her baby the same day! Okay, I grew up with Carli's boyfriend! (In the same ward! His family sheep farm is down the street from my parents house! He is a catch! She better hold on pretty tight to him!!)

Hailey said...

What a beautiful family. I loved the cake you made for Max. I guess it is a Prerequisite that if you join the Phillips family you have to be able to create beautiful theme cakes. (hope carly's boyfriend can "measure" up. hee hee.) Congratulations to both you and Eric, your baby boy is beautiful.

Kristee and Jared said...

Sorry we couldn't make it. Glad everything went well.

The Welling Family -- said...

I found your blog off of Corey and Hailey's. Your funny. I'm going to be a follower. I love that your blog is "life in the middle of nowhere". Paul and I laughed. It's too true. Congrats on your baby. And to think you went into labor after walking around Walmart. What did I say?


Meradith said...

It was a great time in the happening town of Kemerrerrrerrrerrererer!! (I think that's how you spell it.) And yeah I guess it would be weird afterall if Luce and Max liked each other like that. Legal, but very weird. PS Did I leave my black high heals there? The ones you have in brown? Can't find those blasted things anywhere!