Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pears and Cigarettes

So, first of all, I know we have been slacking with the blog…but, it’s difficult to post entries without a camera…because, let’s face it…no one wants to read a blog without pictures, it’s like getting a wedding invitation without an engagement picture…you feel JIPPED!!

Aristotle said that you can learn more from a person in an hour of play than a lifetime of work…and that sort of fits in with the motto of the guys out here at the plant…kindergarten rules…be fair, play fair and do your part…

So, that leads me to the pears…I got TONS of free pears today…and it makes me happy…for several reasons…

ONE, I love pears…so, happy day!

TWO, I got them for free…happy, happy day.

THREE (and this is sort of what makes the pears so sweet) I was thought of…one of the guys at the plant, Brent Sheets, was contacted about a truck that rolled over and he thought to call me to see if I wanted to take some home…since I’m in a “motherly way,” and he didn’t want me to tell any of the other women (because some of them have a reputation for not playing by the kindergarten rules). Then, call after call came in. I tell you…nothing is as appealing as finding out that someone thinks fondly of you. You can’t help but reciprocate their feelings!

Eric makes fun of me because I always bring treats to the plant…but I have definitely learned …what goes around comes around…today, I had to do the payroll for the entire plant by myself (as the other clerk is on short term disability for a few months) and people were just so thoughtful and I got enough food to last me a few days…food at the plant is equivalent to cigarettes in the slammer (I couldn’t think of a better slang term for jail)!

So, happy, happy days!

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