Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year from the Phillips fam!
We completed the New Year's Eve tradition of running around the house barefoot. Only Eric and I dared make the run this year. I think the fact that it was negative ten (seriously) deterred everybody else. Our feet still haven't recovered and it is STILL painful to walk. If I end up with Roulon Gardner toes over this so help me!

The snow was so deep that I got stuck in a drift. I yelled for Eric to help but he was gone! I had to tunnel my way back to the door.

I made Gingerbread s'mores with Gingerbread graham die for!!!!
Gingerbread 'mallows in Julie's famous hot good!!!

Eric and Chuck did "TIMTAM SLAMS," Tim Tams are a chocolate cookie that melts as you suck hot chocolate through them. They are a tasty messy delicious treat.
Chuck giving us a tutorial on the proper way to do a Tim Tam slam.
Jimbo doing his best moose impression.


Cassi said...

My feet are still recovering as well from our jaunt around Jason and Meradith's house...wish you guys could have been there!

Phillips Family said...

Sad we couldn't be there. Looks like you had lots of fun without us. We sure did miss the timtams and the fondue cheese.

Jill said...

Gingerbread s'mores!! Ok, it's decided, you should move to Montana so we can be friends.