Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fossil Fest 2010

This was our fourth Fossil Fest...hard to believe! The parade did not disappoint.
We were asked to be in charge of Fossil Fest Funnies, again, this year but did not think that we would be able to do it, so had to decline. We didn't even think we were going to be able to attend this year.

At the last minuet our plans changed and we were able to go. Max excitedly anticipating the parade.
Max, picking up his spoils from the parade. It WAY paid to know people...Max kept getting handfuls of candy chucked at him.
Eric crossing the line of full and sick...again!
Our friend, Nick, or as we like to call him, "Wolver-doggo-rine." O.k., that was lame!
Max FREAKED out when Sparky the dog came, howling, crying!!!
Not so many tears when the pretty ladies were holding him!!!! Oh, you coy boy!!!!

1 comment:

Phillips Family said...

Yee haw...he loves the cow girls.