Sunday, December 11, 2016

Pionner day and our first tomato!

Our first Yellow pear on our tomato bush!!! The Girls were so excited!
Pioneer day, sad to admit that as this woman spoke of her trials as a child, I stood there in horror as she described the freezing cold and how her toes had to be amputated. I kept thinking how good her balance seemed to be, it wasn't until the end that I figured she was just retelling a story of her Pioneer ancestry.
Pioneer day at the church and the girls got to wash their own clothes...they kept telling me afterwards that they could do their own laundry now, if I wanted them to!
Playing Pioneer which Max commented, were pretty boring...what do you think the pioneer children did all day?
This was the highlight of the day (maybe second to the Popsicles) making their own butter. Max took a big taste and was sorely wasn't until we got home and I put some of his butter on a slice of fresh baked banana bread that he felt his 20 mins of "churning" to be worth it!

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