Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Ok, I can’t very well not respond to Kristee’s tag as she very diligently responds to my tags. I’m not usually one to openly gush about my husband…but a rule follower I am! SO, here we go…

Four things I like/love about Eric:

1)He always makes me laugh…I think I have a pretty keen sense of humor…and therefore rarely found humor in relationships. I was surprised when an ex-boyfriend of mine commented on how I always made jokes, but never laughed…that’s because no one ever made me laugh, I was the entertainer…with Eric, he is absolutely one of the funniest people I have ever known. While his ability to reference 80’s, 90’s and current pop culture is amazing…it’s actually his talent to find humor in the mundane everyday drudgery of life that keeps me continually laughing and knowing that our house will be one of love and laughter! No one else can make me laugh as hard as he does even when I’m upset…with him!

2)He loves family. I think that’s a quality that often times goes unappreciated. Of course he loves his parents and siblings…first of all, they’re awesome and funny and fun to be around… so, naturally he loves to be around them. On top of that, they are his family. I would say few in the world don’t love their respective families. But to love family, implies so much more than that. It means he loves my family and accepts them as part of his new family…perhaps different from his own, but special and wonderful in their individual way. It means that he respects his role within a family unit and always strives to help and be of assistance when possible. It also means, he yearns to be a father, which encompasses a type of humility and godliness that few can truly appreciate. He is, without a doubt, what I think a family man is.

3)He gives me blessings. I guess that doesn’t seem that special to people, but when you grow up in a household with out a priesthood holder, you really appreciate all that goes into a blessing. It’s sad that we often only receive blessings during times of trial and grief and aren’t able to properly appreciate those tender moments of communication with the Lord. Eric is always willing and worthy to give me a blessing and that means the world to me.

4)He loves my cooking...since cooking is love to me, that shows his appreciation for me and for the love and actions that I do to show him my love for him. Even after all of this time, even though I cook every meal for him, he still always says thank you and raves for a few minutes just to let me know that he appreciate me.

Four Jobs that I’ve had:

(The Last Four)
Private Client Services- Wells Fargo Bank
Branch Manager- Washington Mutual & First Interstate Bank
Acct Receivable & Payroll- Naughton Plant

(My Favorite Four)
English and Math Teacher in Taiwan Language Institute
Lifeguard & Swimming Instructor at Montclair Swim Club
2nd Grade Teacher at Merryhill Davis Elementary School
Sales Director at the Orpheum Theater in San Francisco

Four TV Shows that I watch

Wipe Out
The Office
Scare Tactics

Four Places I have been


Four people who email me regularly

My Mom
Kara Torres
Sheila Timmen

The really sad part is that the last two are totally work people (not work people that I’m friends with…just work people emailing me about work!)

Four of my favorite foods

Yu Xiang Eggplant
Tong Zhi Mi Gao (A type of sticky rice and meat dish)
Cong Yio Bing (A green onion tortilla)
Dim Sum (Various “tea-time” treats)

Four Places I’d like to visit


We’re going to the first two in the next two years,…but it's a no go on the last because my father says that most all of the diseases known to man came from Africa…I couldn’t find any statistic to support or de-validate his claims…but since he’s the doctor…

Four things I’m looking forward to in the next year

Going to Egypt or Russia
Going to New York with my family and (hopefully) Carli to see Wicked in September
January with my family

Four People that I tag
Kristina Hopper
Jody Phillips
Annie Palmer (and I WILL update with pictures…why must you make me a liar?!?!)
Becky Patrick (… because you NEVER update your blog!!! Just kidding…I quite enjoy all of your entries)


Reichel Broussard said...

Finally got the blog up and running again. :) BTW I'll be in NY in Sept. too!

Jody said...
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Jody said...


Obviously I can't read.. I didn't know that you tagged me. Geoff had to tell me and then asked why I didn't reply. I wasn't ignoring you, but I am now. HA-HA

Jill said...

Loved learning all that stuff about you. Eric is a pretty funny guy, I have to agree. Let's hang out more so you guys can make me and Josey laugh.