Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A day in the life of Winter 2014-2015

 Max has been loving Kindergarten,...he loves His teacher, Mrs. Lewis, his friends, reading, and writing...he also loves having me pick him up from school and walking home together everyday...
 On special days we would go and have a treat...his special treat of choice is still always McDonald's...
 The girls have loved their play groups, story time at the library, their shows, Sophia the First (Sophia the Worst according to Max), Little Mermaid, Team Umi-Zoomi, bath time (bath hour), princesses and Disney's amazingly profitable Frozen and it's accompanying paraphernalia...

 ...they also love noodles...always with the noodles!!!

 Max still loves being a super hero...fighting the bad guys!!
Eric's birthday celebration at Jim & Julie's with Banana cream pies...

 ...and cousins!!!! They had their own picnic in the back yard.
 a floating bubble kit with special catching gloves was one of the gifts in Eric's treat bag for his birthday...the girls loved it!!!
they each wore one of their dominant hand Kiri (right) Lia (left)....so cute!!!!

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