Thursday, November 15, 2007


So...we had dinner at our friend's (Destry and Kristi Dearden) house. Destry served his mission in France and got this to relive his glory days!!! :) We had potatoes on our plates and put ham and cheese in individual sauce pan looking things. You put it in the Raclette and it heats it up and you pour it all over your plate. YUM YUM! Just FYI the grill is called a Raclette...but that name stems from the semi-firm salted cheese the french and swiss use in this dish. Anyways...enjoy our "cheesy" picture!


Destry said...

actually - you leave the potatoes on your plate and warm up the ham and cheese on the "sauce pan looking things". Sorry i didn't mention that when you read it to me!

Phillips Family said...

The pictures of the Cheese are so brilliant and clear that one practically cannot see them. That is crazy. hahahaha. And Destry was in the MTC with me. Small mormon world that it is.