Here's the birthday boy...interestingly, when I bought this shirt (at
TJ Maxx, best store, ever!) I had a difficult time finding a 12 month...lots of 3 mo, 6 mo, 18 mo...there can't be a large enough market of really small or fat babies that they would actually mass produce these shirts...or so I thought...until my new pediatrician told me about how she has patients who are 5 and on
Lipitor (that's to lower cholesterol) CRAZY!!! I am happy with my tall skinny man!

I got a message from the Piedmont Alumni page to go see Disney
Pixar's Up as it is set in the Bay Area and even has a few shout outs to my little hometown of Piedmont, including our local ice creamery,, the main character Russel is Asian and looks sort of like a fat Max. Thus the theme arose.

We gave out up bookmarks. You can download them for free and then all you have to do is laminate them...gotta love the Internet!!! Just go here and print!

Here is the Up cake I doesn't look that special...but I hand rolled each tile and each piece of siding from
Starbursts and tootsie rolls for the house...I went to, at least, nine different gas stations in search of the right type of candy to be the garden hose, I almost burned down the house three times in attempts to make the perfect cascading "Paradise Falls," the manager of Ace and I spent hours trying to figure out how to get mini balloons filled with helium that would actually, it may look unimpressive, but it was made with love...So, here it is...

I just really like this picture of our punch that
Meradith took with her fancy camera. As for the star shaped ice cubes...gotta love

As entertainment, the kids watched cute are these girls?!

Jim holding the birthday boy!
Meradith and Lucia. We were so happy that they drove all the way up to celebrate Max's birthday with us!

Family shot.

Eric and Max blowing out the one lonesome candle. I love that
Brookie is encouraging Max to blow out his candle.

This is my favorite picture...I love that I married a man who is my counterpart, in that he is so much that I am not...if left on my own, I would never have let Max strip down and go at his cake, but I am so happy that we did!!!!

We were happy that so many friends showed up to help us commemorate this wonderful day!

Here is one of our favorite gifts...a
BYU jersey I found online...this will cause quite the controversy in our ward!

Jody got me a little side gift, as well,...and I'm not
embarrassed to admit that I loved it (o.k., a little ashamed)!!!

A year ago, when Jody visited me in the hospital, she made an amazing gift basket filled with goodies, one of the items was a bottle of Pear Cider. I decided to save it to drink with those I loved on his 1st we are partaking...unfortunately, Geoff, Jody and the kids had to leave before we opened it!

Here's to another great year filled with growth, development, health and happiness!!!!
You're right...the cake is pretty unimpressive. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Have you seen my kids' birthday cakes? (A rectangular cake with plain old frosting and sprinkles.) I will never show them these pictures. Happy Birthday Max!
WOW I am SO impressed with that cake! Excellent job! Looks like such a fun party & thats a great bday theme!
We may be stealing that jersey in the near future. Happy Birthday Max...sorry we missed the party.
Ok, so I'm very impressed by the cake, but I'm even more impressed by the efforts. Nine different gas stations to find the perfect candy hose?! Holy schnikes!
Just be careful - the precedent you set now.... I made both of my kids one cool cake, and they always want another one. Fortunately they aren't particularly discriminating yet about what constitutes a cool cake. I'll be in trouble in a couple years though.
Such a cute cake and party. We wish we could have been there. That Max is such a cutie. The theme was very clever, very clever indeed.
Wow Aimei! That cake was amazing. And it looks like it was a way fun party, sorry we missed it. I also love Max's new jersey.
What a fun birthday party! The cake truly is amazing and I'm super impressed with all of your fun plans and party ideas.
Actually, I totally disagree with all of these commenters, I think the cake was super average and pretty much looked like crap. I could have done much better, you should have enlisted my help.
You need to erase all that junk about, "I know it may look unimpressive..." because you know that cake rocked! And I am not afraid to call you out on fishing for compliments! hahaha Just teasing Aim! I'll hire you come July to make a cake for Lucy's birthday, I was thinking we could do a lifesize princess and frog, and lifesize waterfall this time, instead of a little one. And then maybe you could jump out of the princess cake. I also want a cake slip and slide that the kids can really run and slip and slide on in their swimsuits. Actually, everything, including chairs and tables should be edible at the party I'm planning. You're the woman for the job!!! The party was a hit! We were glad we could make it!
I totally was NOT fishing for compliments...I admit, I'm not unfamiliar with the Eric and I oft times use it on one another and the other person prompty says, 'are you Derek Fisher-ing it?'...I seriously had a much better vision in my head...that's what you get for watching too much food network...expectations that are way too high!
hahaha! Aimei I have been waiting for your response! I was totally just teasing you, and I knew you wouldn't let me get away with it:) All joking aside, I'm so crafty that I manage to ruin pre-made sheet cakes from the store once they are in my possession, so you have to teach me a thing or two.
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