I never wanted to become one of "those guys" who just blogs about the kids. I always felt like the parents should have lives too and definitely deserve some blog exposure. I was, however, completely mistaken. There is no life outside of a newborn baby. Even when I'm at work I think about little Max the whole day. I hear that after you have a couple kids you don't worry so much. A buddy of mine was telling me that after their third baby there were times when he and his wife would say, "where is the baby? I seriously haven't seen him all day. What was his name again?" We would like more children but I hope it never gets to that point. If it does, I hear newborn babies can survive quite well on their own and in the wild. Ideally some wolves or monkeys will come along and raise them. JK

Here is me holding Max. I cropped the picture because I was afraid of showing my ripped bicep. I didn't want anyone to get distracted.

I was trying to force Max to smile but instead it looks like I am torturing the poor boy and really enjoying it. So sad.

We have to put Max in the sun for thirty minutes every day. Aimei and her mom wanted to make sure his eyes were protected. I'm not sure how well it worked but man, he sure looked cool.

Aimei's dad Danny came and visited us from Taiwan. When he came in the door he didn't seem too interested in anything but the baby. After you have a baby no one cares about you anymore. Everyone just wants to see the baby. We've really enjoyed having Aimei's family visit.

Aimei's brother Peter flew in from New York to visit Max. The first time he was holding him he decided it would be fun to mess with his hair. Max says, "I pity the fool who messes with my hair." We already have an audition lined up for Max to play BA Barracus in the new A-team remake. All we need is a bunch of costume jewelry.

Max likes to sleep with his fist placed just beneath his head. Aimei thinks it makes him look like a great thinker. I think it makes him look like an evil genius.

Grandma Chiu and baby Max decided they were tired and they both fell asleep. Aimei of course took advantage of their sleep and secretly took pictures of them. It could have been worse. I remember as a kid sticking my cousin Jared's finger in his nose when he was asleep and then having my cousin Jason take pictures. The crazy thing is those pictures ended up in the family photo album. His parents thought it was hillarious. Poor sleepy Jared.

When Max opens his eyes they are so dark. It almost looks like he is judging you. Don't you judge me Max! I pity the fool who judges.
Cute little max.. In one of the pictures he kind of resembles our kids.. They must be related.. Hope your all doing well.. Thanks for the update on cute MAX..
Oh my gosh he is sooooo cute! I want to hold him. He is so teeny. This post made me laugh out loud more than once. I pity the fool who reads this post and doesn't laugh.
Max needs a goatee in order to effectively pull off BA Barracus...sadly enough I doubt with his genes he will ever be able to grow any type of facial hair. If he is like his father it will be a leg hair or two coming off his chin.
He IS looking all judgy. I'm feeling way bad about myself. Tell him to get off his soapbox already! Oh my oh my he is BEAUTIFUL!! And I agree with you- blogs are immediately taken over by these little gems as they totally should be! We need to meet him! How is the new mommy feeling??
P.S. Jason and I also enjoyed your not one but two Mr. T references. He is shaping up to be a tough little guy isn't he!
Yay for good looking January Wyoming Max boys. Let's start a club or something. Yours is lucky to be so well documented and commentated.
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