Our friends the Wills invited us to Free Day at the college where he teaches. I just wanted this picture to be the thumbnail on other people's blog!

Here are the kids, Ashlee, Max and Caitlin.

Eric and Chris...weirdo's!

They had face painting and the girl didn't know how to do Spiderman...really, who doesn't know Spiderman...so, she said I could paint it.

Caitlin chose a butterfly...

Ashlee also chose Spiderman...can we all just laugh at the girl standing to the right of Ashlee...I think we have a finger sucker!

You gotta love Max's web fingers. It's better than before, it used to be just him pointing his index finger.

Ashlee's dad said that Max was Spiderman and that Ashlee was Spidergirl...to which Ashlee responded, 'No, he's Spiderman and I'm SpiderAmanda.' You've got to love her wit!

Max loves a good Pinata! Like we suspected, when Eric and I weren't running it, no fits were pitched!

Here Max is meeting the Western Wyoming Mustang.

Mustang and Caitlin.

They let me nurse the girls behind the curtain at the nurse's station...let me tell you, I was not expecting a dummy in the bed and was even more freaked out by his one dilated eye. Creepy!

The kids were so good and patient while I nursed the girls.

We were walking the halls and stumbled across this beauty! These are our friends the Casey's. Max asked if firefighter Steve was the same as Scuba Steve. We got the bookmark version and are fully intending on getting firefighter Steve's autograph and bringing it to church every week!

They got to make pasta necklaces and play in the kids' center.

This picture speaks for itself...

Eric holding Lia and Kiri (left to right).

They got to make slime.

...homemade ice cream...Max made banana.

Another pit stop for nursing...

While the kids played...

...and by kids I mean Eric and Chris. Chris was doing push-ups...Eric noticed and soon a contest ensued.

We went swimming...Caitlin was so brave on the diving board...

...Ashlee was so brave she didn't even wait for her father to catch her before she sprung from the board...

The bravest of them all...NOT MAX!!! I'm ashamed to say, his wimpiness was EPIC...so epic that even the lifeguards were laughing...oh, well...we'll get him there! He looks like he got a sunburn, but it's really just the face paint remnants.

We had such a great day and were so happy to have been invited to participate in it!
Wow that's a lot of fun in one post!! Your spiderman faces turned out awesome!! Definatly wierd with the dummy...and thanks for showing the blog world your scuba steve pic lol...jk!!
I knew it was a fun day when Chris and the girls were gone so long! I need to get the face painted pics from you, Ashlee's cracks me up. She doesn't even know who spiderman is!
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