Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Girls' 1 month birthday & mine

These are pictures of them their first week home and their second week home. What a difference a week makes!!! Here's Lia before and after.

Here's Kiri before and after. She's such a chunk!

So, my parents and brother and his family all came to visit the girls and celebrate my birthday. Here is a picture of the proud 'Gong-Gong." Kiri is on the right and Lia is on the left.

Since my birthday was on a Sunday I requested Thanksgiving dinner for my dinner. We had all of the fixings, including a 22lb turkey. MMMM!!!!! My brother got me so much baby stuff, clothes, a double stroller and a bouncer. Eric got me make-up and JUST DANCE 3 for our, anyone feel the itch to dance, come on over (so long as you are not and have not been around anyone who has a cold or temperature in the last 5 days and are willing to get a retinal scan like I had to do at the airport in China during the Bird Flu scare.

Here's a picture of Max singing, "Happy Birthday" to me. I got the costume at Walmart the day after Halloween for $2.88. Best $2.88 I ever spent!! Much better than the money I spent on this new haircut Eric insisted on Max getting. The spiky look, we've decided, while trumped by his old baby Bieber sweep!!!

Here's a picture of my brother's adorable 7 month old, Parker. Parker is wearing Max's most recent hand me downs...and by that I mean his 18-24month clothes!!! He is so tall...and adorable!!!

I figured if I didn't post some better pictures, Kristina Hopper was going to have a cow. I took these just for you, Hopper!!!I like this picture of Lia and Kiri below because it shows their blue eyes. Neither Max or Parker had blue eyes to begin with. Here's hoping that they stay this color!
I love my girls. I also have to give a big shout out to my Kiri-girl. She was born with an umbilical cord half the size of her sister, and smaller in height and weight, but she just fights through, as of last week, they were both 6 lbs 6 oz. Then, a few days ago, Kiri had a temp of 100.3. I called our pediatrician and my cousin who is a Peds Dr in California. Both said that at 100.4 we'd have to go to the ER and get some blood work done and probably a spinal tap...but my Kiri girl just kept working through it and after two feedings, the fever broke and she never looked back. I could not ask for better babies than the three angels I have. Best birthday in years!!! :)


stina said...

Haha! Thanks! They're adorable!

Meradith said...

Just left you a voicemail but wanted to say Happy Belated Birthday on here as well!! The girls are beautiful! Call me when you get a minute! (in two years?)