Since a lot of the fam was on vacation, the Christensens were wonderful enough to invite us to spend Easter Sunday with them...and what a treat it was!!!

The Steve and Wendy arrived about 15 minutes earlier...and then they remembered that Brinley was still sleeping in the car...no harm no foul!!!

Becky and Linda...and baby...three generations!

J Dale gave a wonderful Easter lesson on the meaning of prayer and it's importance in our daily lives. He also showed a slide show with music...it was very touching and I felt so grateful for the amazing and wonderful sacrifice Christ made for us. Easter is so often over shadowed by Christmas...in truth, we celebrate Christmas, His birth, because of Easter, because He rose again.

We have said daily prayers with Max since before he was born...he was about nine months the first time he said, "Amen." Then, about a month later, he said it at church as the sacrament was being blessed. Today, as J Dale was giving a lesson and while Steve said a prayer completely different from the prayers that Max is used to hearing, he kept saying, "Amen, Amen." I was overwhelmed with the feeling and confirmation, that while Max may not fully understand everything that he says, he does feel the spirit and comprehends the truthfulness of the Holy Ghost.

The best Easter Egg hunt!!!

Max had so much fun and so did we...in large part because some of the eggs had candy, some had money and some had numbers that were connected to...

I'm lame, I ALWAYS take a picture of the dish that I bring!

I didn't bring my pastry bag, so these aren't so pretty...I made deviled eggs with Cajun mustard crab.
There were quite a few birthdays...Kenzie and Brinley...

Cathy was hamming it up...

All the pregnant women...

Cathy, gotta love that Saturday Night Fever finger she's got going!!!
We had such a great time...we were so thankful to be surrounded by family, we are also thankful for our Savior this Easter & know that every good part of our lives is made better because of Him. We hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
Ah, the Christensens. They are so much fun. I'm glad that you were able to go and spend Easter with them and have such a great time.
Glad to see you guys had fun. We missed you in Kemmerer...ah well.
I just want to know how long Eric has had a goatee. hmmmm
I love the collages you do. Sounds like you are having fun. Max is getting so big, and he is always dressed so cute! (as if I should be surprised at that)
Eric was born with a goatee.
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