Thursday, March 11, 2010

Don Pedro and the antics of Maxwell Daniel

Max looking bothered that I made him halt his balloon playing to take a picture...
We went to Don Pedro the other night with Jim and Julie...

Jim, tormenting Max's soul!!
Max will pretty much mimic anything you, he's saying Pua-Pua (which means maternal grandmother in Chinese)...Mom, this is for you!!!

While he'll repeat almost anything you say, certain words just we found out with, "ugly"'s one of his new ones, he'll crawl around the house saying it over and boggles the mind...this is for you, Aunt Carless...

1 comment:

Annie said...

is that me talking on the phone in the background? That was weird. I was watching cute Max and all of the sudden heard my own voice. He is just getting cuter and cuter. I can't believe how much he is talking!