This last weekend, I had the fun of attending my baby shower. More details on that when I download the pictures…but, something happened that caught me a little off guard. I happily opened each present and mentally checked off each item that I would no longer need to get before the baby was born…well, pack n’ play (thanks to Kristee) was high on my list of priorities as I’ve been told it’s a life saver.
So, delight when I opened one of the gifts to see that I had, indeed, received a pack n play…the dilemma arose when, to my surprise, a second pack n’ play was opened. Which to keep, which to return? My initial decision was based solely on aesthetic appeal. For all those who have dated “eye candy” (and we all have at least once) we know what road that leads to…there has to be more to the decision. So, after much research on baby boards, consumer reports and amazon…I have made my decision.
On to the next dilemma…strollers. Did you know that you can’t just type in strollers and expect to find what you’re looking for? Oh no…there are categories…MULTIPLE categories…standard, lightweight, travel systems, doubles, jogging, brands, convertible…I don’t even know where to start…with the pack n play, I only had to weigh the pros and cons between two specific brands…choosing a stroller from the thousands of choices is too much…so, call to all of those experienced moms out there…what did you like (and not like) and why?
So far I've liked this Jeep Liberty Limited in Energy stroller...
I never did get a regular stroller that a carseat could fit into, or even one that laid down flat. So this was a huge pain for about 5 months until Jordan could sit up. I just had kind of a fancier version of an umbrella stroller made by Combi that reclined part way. I've got a lot of use out of it, but it's better for when the babies are 6 months or older. I also loved my jogging strollers because I've got a lot of use out of them walking and running around town. You can read a lot of reviews online for specific strollers you think you might like, as I'm sure you know. Good luck with the decision! I did buy a double stroller when I had Jarrett and I've basically gotten no use out of it, even though I did a lot of research before I bought it.
I did a lot of research and bought a fancy stroller, then barely used it. Amara didn't like riding in it as a baby, so I always carried her - a stroller was just one more thing to lug around. When she was older, the small and compact umbrella stroller was usually perfect. Some people love their strollers and can't imagine life without them. For me, I wish I'd waited to see what my baby was like...
I would highly recommend a travel system of some kind. It is VERY convenient to put a sleeping baby in the carseat and latch them into the stroller. I just had a cheap Graco but I got so much use out of it that it is pretty much destroyed. I'm sure the Jeep is a fantastic stroller, I would just recommend having a carseat that can latch on to it.
Hi Aimei,
I have enjoyed reading about your life in small town Wyoming. It makes me miss living in rural Eastern Utah. I just wanted to put my two cents worth in on the stroller debate. There are endless options. I mostly used the stroller for shopping and going for walks around the neighborhood. For the first several months I have loved our snap-n-go. It is light and mobile and fold easily to fit in the trunk. It is great to be able to snap the baby bucket car seat onto the wheels and go without having to wake the baby up if she falls asleep in the car or while you are out for a walk. It is also maneuverable with one hand, a plus when you have to open the door and push the stroller through at the same time, and it turns easily.
After she grew out of that we went to an umbrella type stroller by Chicco. Again it is light weight and folds easily. We keep it in the car for shopping etc. It is great for stores and running errands, but if you are doing a lot of walking/jogging something with a smoother ride, larger wheels, etc. like a jogger stroller is good. The joggers aren't usually good for stores, too big. I would start with the snap-n-go and then wait to see what you like and what you think you will use to replace it after the baby grows out of the baby bucket.
Good luck with the baby shopping.
Two pack n plays isn't so bad. We have two. One we leave at Grammie and GrandDad's house for naps while we are there and one we have at home for taking other places.
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