Halloween has got to be one of my favorite times of year…I think it’s a combination of quite a few things: 1) it is the beginning of the best time of the year (Halloween, my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Chinese New Year, my mom’s birthday), 2) candy is involved…little packages of candy to sample throughout the month of October and it’s FREE (I should just end the list with that!) 3) You get to dress up and be something other than yourself...or at least what people see you as… 4) cute kids dress up and come to your door and you get to ooh and aaah at their cuteness 5) No one really works that day…it’s like free ticket to slack and eat candy! 6) Halloween parties with costume contests…orange and black paraphernalia…it’s great!!!

Here are pictures of when we went to visit Jason, Mer and Lucy. We went to a haunted house…it was such a blast…man, did they love those chain saws….we had so much fun!! Eric is a photographic GENEIUS as he made the picture black and white with the exception of myself in color...OOOH...spooky!!

Jason and Mer treated us to delicious Coney’s and then we watched what they all said was the best worst movie ever: Troll 2. It’s not even a sequel to anything…strange…but it was filmed in good ol’ Morgan, UT!

We stayed the night at their FABULOUS house and had the BEST bar-b-q afterwards….Jason grilled the most tender and delicious rib-eyes I’ve ever had!!!!
I love Halloween, too! The crafts, the costumes, the decor... Where did they already have a haunted house?? I've been cursing Target for having their decorations out since August.
In utah...got to love UTAH!
I am surprised to see that you guys actually had a good time without Brandon and I! Truthfully, I am frighten by the fat monster with the bones. So gross. Maybe it is best i wasn't there. And one more thing... you watched Troll 2! yes. Seriously that is the best worst movie ever. Doesn't it have the best lines?
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