My parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this year and we decided to all rent a beach house together. Here are my parents and my maternal grandparents in their wedding shoot
This picture is emblematic of why I get so bugged when beautiful girls say they looked like boys when they were little...some of us actually looked like fact my hair is shorter than my brother's...though it's a similar cut...I'd say my bangs are a setting shorter. California circa 1984
Here we are about 15 years later...Peter and I were both in college in this,
California circa 1999
Here I am with Max, Lia and Kiri on the flight over to my parents' house in the Bay Area
Max had to get some Dim Sum in while we were there
Peter, Parker and Christina at the park
Devon (A.K.A mini Peter)
I can not get this picture to turn....but I love Devon's face as we walked to the beach by my parents' house
Kiri, Max and Lia playing on the beach
Lemur Lia, Kiri and Max in San Diego
I love every one's face in this picture...especially Devon's!!!
Lia & Kiri LOVED the show at San Diego Zoo!!!
It was spectacular!!!
Max loved the Sesame Street and Play area the best...
Elmo, Zoe, Super Grover & max
My dad will hate this picture...but seriously, how could I document a family vacation without this picture?!?!
The rides were quite fun!!
We also got to see the Pandas at the San Diego Safari
My parents, Peter & Christina watched the kids while we got to go to the San Diego Temple. It was so beautiful and we got to do some work for family members. Someone recently joked about our temple attendance in passing...I was surprised by how offended I was at the jab. I neither think it's anyone's business how often we go to the temple nor is it an appropriate source of pride over anyone else if their attendance or adult to child ratio in their family is higher than anyone else's... and that's all I have to say about that. I, as a matter of principle, try not to broadcast temple attendance, church volunteering or community, there you have it...
We were able to go to a wedding reception while in San Diego
It was at the reception that we realized what amazing dancers our kids are...Max and Lia in particular could not get enough of the dance floor!!! What fun kids we have!!! All in all it was a wonderful trip and a happy reminder of the importance of family and what an amazing legacy we are all building!!!