Yesterday we has a Hawaiian Luau in Kemmerer with some friends. We had Jill & Josie Allen and Nick & Audrey Baird and their lovely kids over! We had Hawaiian Hapa pulled pork, sweet onion cornbread and spicy chilli beans...and of course PUMPKIN SHAKES!!! Yummy!
Well, it's Halloween and Eric and I can't wait to pass out candy to all the little Kemmerer kids! We will don our gay apparel and be Batman and Robin, again! We are expecting a lot of our friends to come by with their kids. We will take lots of pictures and post them (do any of you still have faith in us actually posting these pictures?).
Eric recently told me the saddest story about his Halloween last year. He was so lonely and excited for kids to come that he bought bags and bags of candy and a large Cauldron to put it in. With gleeful anticipation, he switched his front porch light on for the first time since he moved into the townhouse...hours went by and no kids came. He just sat and watched T.V. and cried (o.k., he didn't actually shed tears, but...for dramatic effect...you get the point). So, I have made it a point to celebrate to the fullest extent this year.
What a difference a year makes (for us both!)!!!!